Facebook Messenger Channel Setup Guide

Main steps:  

  1. Create personal Facebook page (if not having)
  2. Sign up Facebook Developer
  3. Create First Facebook App
  4. Add Products to Facebook App (Facebook Messengeris a product to Facebook App) 
  5. Create Facebook business page (for the business like “CyberObject”).  Facebook Business page to be created under personal Facebook profile. Can’t create Facebook business page without create Facebook personal profile page first. 
  6. Hook up Facebook App to Facebook Business page for Business type of Apps. Of course, for testing, might hook up Facebook App (Messenger) to personal Facebook profile page.  (I did not try that.) 
  7. Generate access token for Facebook app, configure Facebook App on webhooks. 
  8. Test the new Facebook Messenger app  

If you don’t have Facebook account, please follow the below page and its instructions to set up a new Facebook account first.  


In order to create Facebook App, we need to apply for Facebook Developer account.  


In the following page, click “Get Started” at top right, and going through the steps: 

  1. Create a Facebook for Developer account
  2. Verify the account
  3. Enter more detail information about you



Entering Phone number to receive text message on confirmation code: 


Selecting “Developer” from the below popup after confirmation code: 


Done with Facebook for Developer sign up.  Can start to create First App. 

Continuously following the above step.  In the follow popup, enter information for create a new App ID:  

Complete the below security check box: 


The new Facebook app created with App ID:  


At below “Setting – Basic”, entering the basic information for the app, such as “Privacy Policy URL”, “Terms of Service URL”, App Icon, and picking up “Category”, etc, and then save.  

Click “PRODUCT” on the left to add “Products” to Facebook App. Need to add Messenger product: 

Add “Messenger”: 

Click “Set Up” from above screenshot for “Messenger”. In the following page, scrolling down to add Page and Webhooks.  

Add Facebook page:  



 In the following window, select Facebook page. In this case, it is “CyberObject” page, which I just createdfirst time when working with Facebook app channel for Onboard and Enrollment at: https://www.facebook.com/cyberobject/  (Public link).  

(Regarding how to create a new Facebook Business page, there are instructions from Facebook site at below: 



 Now complete the linking Facebook App to Facebook Business page. Okay to complete.  


We will have the Facebook page linked to the App as below: 

Next step is to generate access token. Click “Generate Token”: 


The token will be generated from following page. Copy the token and paste it to App builder Facebook app channel page:  


Paste the token to below field on App builder Facebook app channel page: 

(Note: the above token is not matched with below one on screenshot as I created them already previously before writing this guide.) 


Then add “Webhooks”.   See below screenshot. Clicking “Add Callback URL”.  


In the following popup, copy the Callback URL and Verify Token from App builder Facebook app channel page (like the one for Onboard and Enrollment), and paste here accordingly: 

Callback URL and Verify Token are from App builder Facebook app channel page below:  


Click “Verify and Save” from above Facebook app “Edit Callback URL”. If everything goes well, we should be good and get to below information.  We will see “Messenger” product had been added to Facebook App on the left under “PRODUCTS”.  

 Next, need to “Add Subscriptions”:  

We will need to add below subscriptions for App builder Facebook channel: 

After clicking “Add Subscriptions”, in the follow popup, selecting the below 4 subscriptions fields: 

  • messages
  • messaging_postbacks
  • messaging_options
  • message_develiveries


After “Save” from above, we should see Webhooks updated with 4 subscription fields selected.  


From this step, we are now done with new Facebook App set up for our App builder Facebook messenger channel.